Attention Parent(s) and Assorted Loved Ones…

I don’t know what level of cooking mastery your child/significant other/relative/friend had when we left for Thailand, but as the previous entries show–we are all returning with some new skills in Thai cooking.  While not all the dishes were equally loved, they were all competently prepared and edible (with one notable exception by the student who tried pushing the spice tolerance envelope by doubling the curry recommendation and chopping up the peppers rather than taking out the seeds.  Lesson learned, it appears.)

So, please move “wok” to the top of your Birthday/Christmas/Midsummer’s Eve potential gift list!  I’ve heard several comments that indicate the gift will be appreciated, and maybe even used.  🙂

Rebecca (aka Dr. Imes)

One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Bhak on January 7, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    I’m so glad that after reading all these entries, you all are now talking the talk and woking the wok… SORRRY! I just HAD to!


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