Thai Laundry

So when I am at home I either do my own laundry or send it
home to mom because she always seems to find time to do it for me.
However on this trip there hasn’t been a lot of access to the
Carroll laundry facilities or my own private laundry service
otherwise known as my mom. Instead we have sent our laundry out to
little laundry shops where they wash our laundry by hand and then
hang dry it. It takes about 1 whole day to get it back, but it is
cheep at 100 baht (or $3). Most people had no problem finding a
laundry shop, as there is just one across the street from us here
in Chiang Mai. I however did not find it. I thought the arrow meant
to go down the alley where I would find a place to send out my
laundry. Upon reaching this alley I found a woman who I believed to
be employed by another hotel sitting. I then asked her if she was
the laundry lady, to which I am not sure if she understood me, but
I showed her my bag of dirty laundry and she took it. I asked her
how much and she said 100 baht. That sounded like a deal to me so I
handed it over. Later while talking about laundry as a group I
discovered that I had not sent my laundry to where the rest of the
group had. Instead I had given it to a random Thai woman who gave
me no receipt. I feel like I should have known something was off
being that she didn’t even want to know my name. After a day of
worrying if I would get any of my clothes back, I proceeded to go
back down the alley where I had left almost my entire suitcase
worth of clothes to find them folded and waiting for me. I paid the
woman’s son, who was waiting for me. He was just as puzzeled as I
was, but I paid him and thanked him, after trying to explain how
confused I was myself. Moral of the story, next trip I go on out of
the country I am taking my mom so she do my laundry

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Vicky on January 8, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    I love you too Trent.



  2. Posted by Eileen's "Ant" Vickie on January 8, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    I am laughing out loud! This is so funny. I was glad it had a happy ending…I thought you would be wearing what ever you had not turned over to the mystery woman for the rest of your trip! I hope you gave her a nice tip!


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